Symbolisms Interpreted

What Does A Haunted House Mean In Your Dream?

Haunted houses are either a nightmare or an adrenaline rush, depending on whether fear and the thought of the supernatural is something you like to experience, or completely steer clear from.  As haunted houses inspire nerves in the best of us, your subconscious throwing you into a dream of a haunted house is an interesting …

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Penis Dream Meaning And Interpretation

If you know anything about dream psychology, you’ll be familiar with how Sigmund Freud theorized that most dreams concern repressed needs such as sexual desires, and how the most random objects can represent the phallus.  But what does it mean when you actually dream of a penis? Does this have similar symbolism? Does it make …

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What Do Dreams Of Guns Mean?

Dreaming of guns can be an unsettling experience, especially if you have no associations with guns in waking life.  Guns in dreams have a myriad of meanings, from power, authority, negativity, threatening behavior, dangerous situations, and more. So it’s important to pay attention if you have a dream like this. Let’s take a look at …

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Running Away Dream Meaning

There are some dreams which have more obvious meanings than others. While some dreams can be really obscure, leading to wondering what on earth was on your mind at the time, dreaming of running away is not one of them. A dream like this mirrors avoidance in waking life, where the last thing you want …

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Dreaming About Cockroaches And What It Means

Why can’t my dream be about nice insects, like butterflies or dragonflies? This is probably something you’ve asked yourself when you dream of something horrible like cockroaches.  Not only do their appearance frighten many people, but they also carry several nasty diseases that anyone would rather avoid. Even these creepy crawlies appearing in your dreams …

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